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Automated Reviewers Recommendation on Online Submission System in Journal Publishing

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2022, v.33 no.4, pp.139-157
Eun-Ja Shin
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Finding and selecting proper reviewers is a burden on the publisher of the journal. In order to solve this problem, the online submission system started to recommend appropriate reviewers automatically. It includes a variety of new features, from recommending authors in the references of submitted papers as reviewers to finding similar papers by searching the citation index and suggesting reviewer candidates extensively. This study investigated how the online submission system provides functions such as recommendation of reviewers. As a result of examining major online submission systems, ScholarOne and Editorial Manager were recommending reviewer candidates by commercial citation index and review history platform. On the other hand, JAMS, a domestic online submission system, did not have any advanced functions such as recommendation of candidates for reviewers. Sooner or later, in Korea, it seems that more efforts should be made to improve the function of online submission system, such as recommending suitable reviewers for papers.

Journal, Online Submission System, Peer Review, Reviewer, Automatic Recommendation, Reviewer Locator, JAMS
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