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A Study on the Analysis of Current Issues and the Operation Plan of News Media Asset Management System in Korean Broadcasting Companies: the Case Study of KBS Digital Newsroom

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2022, v.33 no.3, pp.123-155
Hyo-jin Choi
Choonwon Park
Sooyoung Kim
Jeonga Song
Yeajin Park
Bongseung Shin
Sunho Ji
Sangwon Sun
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This study focuses on the management of the news production system in broadcasting companies. This paper concentrates on the process of data registration and metadata management in order to examine whether the currently produced news can have value as a ‘public record’ in the long term, and whether reliable and accurate information is preserved. In addition, the user experience in the current system is analyzed through in-depth interviews with Ingest Managers, Editors, and Archive Managers, who are closely related to metadata creation compared to other members of the its News Department. Finally, a sustainable metadata quality management method is sought to increase the value of news footage as a ‘public record’. In this study, these points can be found out: the metadata of the news agency footage is input manually according to the user’s will or working style, that is, the user-friendly metadata input system is insufficient. Accordingly, it can be seen that the quality of the metadata of the news video continues to deteriorate. As an alternative to overcome this, it is found that work flow improvement, system improvement, classification system and metadata improvement plan, etc. are definitely necessary in the short and long term.

Digital Broadcasting and Audiovisual Archives, News Media Asset Management, News Video Metadata, Digital Medial Asset Management, Public Records, Public Audiovisual Heritage
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