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A Study on the Perception of Librarians and Library Users on the Future Direction of Public Library Development

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2022, v.33 no.1, pp.499-519
Seonghee Kim
Seungmin Lee
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This study empirically analyzed how users and librarians perceive the roles and functions of the future public library through a survey and suggested what should be considered in establishing the future direction of the development of future library. As a result of the analysis, both librarians and users aware that contents were the most important aspect in the operation of future public libraries. In addition, users perceive the importance of information services higher than librarians, which shows that future public libraries require to develop and offer various information services. In contrast, the adoption of the latest information technology showed relatively low awareness of its importance in future public libraries. Therefore, the use of content and the provision of various channels and tools to satisfy information needs were perceived as more important than the adoption of information technologies.

공공도서관, 미래 도서관, 도서관 콘텐츠, 도서관 서비스, 도서관 공간
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