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Effects of Public Library Cultural Program Services on Users’ Quality of Life 「Libraries on the Road」

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2022, v.33 no.1, pp.479-497
Hyunsoo Yoon
Yong Jeong Yi
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The present study aimed to examine how the quality of cultural program services, ‘Libraries on the Road’ influences users’ satisfaction, quality of life, and loyalty to the cultural program services. Online surveys were conducted with users who had participated in ‘Library on the Road’ of public libraries, and collected 138 valid data. The study verified the hypotheses through structural equation model analysis. Findings of the study indicated that the higher the service quality of ‘Library on the Road’, the higher users’ satisfaction. Users’ satisfaction had positive effects on users’ quality of life and loyalty to the services. The study extended the literature for the association between the service quality of a particular cultural program that public libraries had provided, users’ satisfaction, quality of life, and loyalty to the cultural program.

공공도서관, 길 위의 인문학, 문화프로그램, 이용자 만족도, 삶의 질, Public library, Libraries on the road, Culture program, User satisfaction, Quality of life
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