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Study on the Digital File Management Behavior of Undergraduate Students according to the Life Cycle of Digital Object

한국비블리아학회지 / 한국비블리아학회지, (P)1229-2435; (E)2799-4767
2022, v.33 no.1, pp.321-343
Yoon-Jae Jee
Hye-Eun Lee
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This study presents the direction of services and policies for digital file management in universities by identifying undergraduate students’ digital file management behavior. The research defined the Life Cycle of Digital Objects. In addition, This research collected data from 154 undergraduate students using an online survey on their file Creation, Storing, Naming, Organizing, and Backup based on the Digital File Management Workflow. Also, an in-depth interview was conducted for 8 students, two for each major in engineering, arts, social science, and humanities. The result showed that students mostly used personal computers as storage media and USB drive as backup media and had their own file Naming and Organizing methods. Furthermore, students’ satisfaction with digital file management was high when universities supported software and cloud storage. Therefore, this study suggests that universities need to provide services reflecting the students’ digital file management behavior.

대학생, 디지털파일관리, 개인기록관리, 정보생애주기, 데이터관리, Undergraduate Students, Digital File Management, Personal Digital Archives, Information Life Cycle, Data Management
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